Releases and Notifications

Please complete this form with your clinician after your arrival.

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Your email address
Patient Name
Name (persons under 16 years of age)
Confidentiality is not granted by law for people under the age of 16 unless a custodial parent or legal guardian grants limited confidentiality. In cases where there is an emergency or an urgent need to know I will be notified immediately. If limited confidentiality is granted, the clinician will not meet with the custodial parent or the legal guardian without the minor present or if there are extraordinary circumstances where the minor may not be present. The rules for confidentiality when meeting with minors is located here
Please provide information related to Release of Information Requests
Medication Evaluation / Management
* I understand that my request to receive emails and/or text messages will apply to all future appointment reminders/feedback/health information unless I request a change in writing.
* I understand that my request to receive emails and/or text messages will apply to all future appointment reminders/feedback/health information unless I request a change in writing.
Please provide feedback using this space, send us an email, or a text at 888.852.7670, or by completing the Patient Satisfaction Survey