Cornwall Counseling does NOT provide Telehealth services unless 1.) an individual cannot travel due to disease or handicapping condition or 2) extreme distance or travel limitations prevent access to clinical professional mental health care.
Outpatient Level of Care
Typically an individual seeking an outpatient level of care will meet with a licensed clinician who will limit the encounter to talking therapies focused on motivational/educational improvements in emotional wellness.
This level of care typically consists of less than 2 hours of service per week for adults or less than 3 hours a week for children and adolescents.
As symptoms improve, individuals will reduce the frequency of therapeutic encounters, discontinue, or seek occasional services. Likewise, if an individual requires a higher level of care, s/he will receive a referral to another qualified practitioner.
If you are unsure what level of care may be right for you, please call 859.321.4956 to request a confidential screening.
Primum Non-Nocere
Licensed Mental Health Clinicians, like all healthcare professionals, are held to the Hippocratic oath, that above all else, they should do no harm to their patients. In the mental health profession, this requires that the licensed practitioner take careful consideration when engaging in the therapeutic treatment of emotional hardship.
Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Cornwall Counseling recognizes that sex, sexuality, and gender can be arranged in any number of ways, often expressing the potential of human diversity. Cornwall Counseling distinguishes the words sex, sexuality, and gender as being separate and distinct.
The term trans is commonly used in social communication to describe such things as physical appearance, sexuality, and sex. This term, however, should be more clearly defined for the purposes of providing reliable mental health services.
Cornwall Counseling does not engage in emotional problem-solving with those who seek primarily to bring themselves into alignment with their identity as male or female.
Cornwall Counseling considers its strengths and limitations in the care of any individual seeking professional, clinical services.
Cornwall Counseling is neither trained, prepared, nor sufficiently knowledgeable in this area of psychological development to ensure quality care. The anticipated outcome of declaring this position is the hope that those seeking care for this issue will access it through a more qualified practitioner.
Cornwall Counseling is trained, prepared, and sufficiently knowledgeable in the areas of sexual identity and ensures quality care in this context. The anticipated outcome of declaring this position is the hope that those seeking this type of care will access it through Cornwall Counseling.
Cornwall Counseling is trained, prepared, and sufficiently knowledgeable in the areas of gender expression (masculinity / femininity and cisgender) and ensures quality care in this context. The anticipated outcome of declaring this position is the hope that those seeking this type of care will access it through Cornwall Counseling.
Cutting and Other Forms of Self-Harm
Self-injury is a well-recognized clinical phenomenon, but its causes and its cures have been somewhat elusive. Also known as non-suicidal self-injury, or NSSI, the condition is classified in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2013) as a “new disorder in need of further study.”
Cornwall Counseling does not engage in emotional problem-solving with those who seek treatment for self-injury (cutting) or other forms of self-harm.
Cornwall Counseling is neither trained, prepared, nor sufficiently knowledgeable in this area of psychological development to ensure quality care. The anticipated outcome of declaring this position is the hope that those seeking care for these issues will access it through a more qualified practitioner.
Cornwall Counseling is not prepared to ensure quality care to those in the following levels of care.
ADHD/ADD (Adult or Child), Active addictions or addictions in remission less than six months, Schizophrenia and other psychotic conditions (Adult or Child), Previously diagnosed Bipolar condition (Adult or Child), Advanced Dementia, Adults and Children with severe developmental/cognitive delay, Adults and Children who are under psychiatric supervision for severe and persistent mental impairment (SPMI) or emotional disorders.
The anticipated outcome of declaring this position is the hope that those seeking this level of care will access it through a more qualified practitioner.
Practice Orientation
Cornwall Counseling practices from a specific model of psychotherapy.
Cornwall Counseling emphasizes the use of Rational Emotive Behavior (REBT) theory/therapy. Cornwall Counseling uses Mindfulness techniques. Cornwall Counseling uses Emotional Intelligence Improvement techniques.
Cornwall Counseling does not practice from any other models of psychotherapy.